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M206 Tneħħija ta 'l-akne Tindif fil-fond Tiġdid tal-ġilda Tibjid tal-ġilda u Magni Moisturizer tal-ġilda

Deskrizzjoni qasira:

Ilma u Ossiġenu Jet hija sistema effettiva ta 'trattament ta' l-akne, li tħallat l-ilma, l-ossiġnu mediku u l-likwidu tan-nutrizzjoni biżżejjed, tisprejja b'veloċità ta '230m/s u taġixxi fuq il-ġilda.Il-partiċelli tat-taħlita jippenetraw f'dermis profonda mill-epidermide b'granuli ċkejkna ta '50-80μm, inaddfu l-follikulu u l-glandola sebaceous kompletament.

Dettall tal-Prodott

Tags tal-Prodott

Water and Oxygen Jet is an effective acne treatment system, which mixes water,medical oxygen and nutrition liquid sufficiently, sprays out at the speed of 230m/s and acts on the skin. The mixture particles penetrates into deep dermis from epidermis with 50-80μm tiny granules, cleans the follicle and sebaceous gland completely.

Teorija tat-Trattament

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;


1. Tneħħija ta 'l-akne;
2. Tibjid tal-ġilda, titjib tan-nisġa tal-ġilda;
3. Tindif profond tal-ġilda, riforniment ta 'ilma u nutrizzjoni għall-ġilda;
4. Follikulite;
5. Magħquda ma 'tagħmir ieħor biex jinkiseb effett ta' trattament aħjar;

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin; Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;

Karatteristiċi u Vantaġġi

1. M206 huwa kosteffettiv bħala magna vertikali Water & Oxygen Jet;
2. Sistema unika ta 'provvista ta' arja ta 'ġewwa tiggarantixxi s-sigurtà u l-istabbiltà tal-ħruġ ta' l-arja;
3. Sistema ta 'aġġustament tal-ħruġ tal-arja tikkontrolla b'mod preċiż il-fluss tal-ħruġ u l-pressjoni tal-likwidu għal partijiet ta' trattament differenti;
4. Iswiċċ tal-arja jittrasferixxi faċilment il-provvista tal-arja minn Kompressur tal-Ajru jew Tank tal-Ossiġenu Mediku;
5. Il-Kumpressur ta 'l-Ajru ta' ġewwa jista 'joffri pressjoni tal-ħruġ ta' l-arja ta '0-10KG biex jissodisfa l-ħtieġa ta' trattament;
6. Li tkun naturali, b'saħħitha u friska, it-trattament Water & Oxygen Jet iforni l-ġilda b'ossiġnu u nutrijenti, u jagħtik ġilda nadifa u żgħira;

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin; Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;

M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (3)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (3)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (2)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (1)

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